CHARLESTON, W.Va. The Public Service Commission (PSC) is seeking public comment relating to the proposed Hope Gas, Inc. acquisition of two smaller gas utilities and the service to customers of two gas suppliers that serve a total of 530 customers.
Hope Gas, Inc., Bazzle Gas Co., and Standard Gas Co. filed a joint petition with the PSC in October 2023 for Hope to acquire Standard, which serves 400 customers in Lewis County, and Bazzle, which serves 60 customers also in Lewis County. In the transaction, Hope would also acquire the service for 70 customers from McIntosh Oil & Gas, Inc., and Ross & Wharton Gas Co.
An evidentiary hearing is scheduled in Charleston for 9:30 a.m. on February 21 at PSC headquarters, 201 Brooks St., for a petition filed jointly by Hope, Standard Gas Co., and Bazzle Gas Co., Inc., for Hope to acquire the latter two. The hearing will also be livestreamed on the PSC website.
Written statements can also be filed online or by letter in the case. All written comments should include the case number, Case No. 23-0843-G-PC, and be addressed to the Public Service Commission, Attn: Executive Secretary, P.O. Box 812, Charleston, WV 25323.
Comments can also be left online here.