MORGANTOWN, W.Va. Two officials from the Morgantown Utility Board (MUB) have been selected to serve on the Fire Hydrant Rules Task Force.

MUB general manager and senior engineer Cory Jones will serve along with the with the Public Service Commission (PSC) engineering staff, the Consumer Advocate Division, and representatives to be determined from West Virginia American Water. The PSC Legal Staff will lead the task force.

The task force was created to “recommend rules to govern the operation and maintenance of fire hydrants” in the state.

The PSC has also asked 13 individuals and groups to nominate members to the panel that is expected to have a final report prepared no later than June 30, 2024.

After reviewing the PSC report on fire hydrant conditions ordered by Gov. Justice, lawmakers passed a bill this year to give the commission authority to adopt and enforce rules for inspection and maintenance.

Anyone interested in serving on the panel is asked to contact the Commission Legal Division.