MORGANTOWN, W.Va. Christina Fattore Morgan is running for Monongalia County Board of Education and wants to defend teachers and get more parents involved in public education. Fattore Morgan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the John D. Rockefeller IV School of Policy and Politics.

On WAJR’s “Talk of the Town,” she expressed concerns about the possibility of new laws being passed in Charleston that could hurt teachers in classrooms here. She wants to use her knowledge and experience to help teachers maintain their rights in the classroom. She has voiced opposition to efforts to arm teachers, for example.

“I’m thinking of things like book challenges and bans, challenges to academic freedom for our teachers, and other things that may affect our schools directly,” Fattore Morgan said.

While she is not a proponent of getting the police directly involved in discipline issues, she wants to make sure teachers are safe and can serve their students. She said all students have the right to unfettered access to learning in the classroom.

“We need to strike a balance between helping teachers and making sure those students who have discipline issues are also getting the educational opportunities they need,” Fattore Morgan said. “We can’t just write them off.”

She wants the data developed from clinical interviews with teachers to be a major driver of policy.

“What are these needs, truly?” Fattore Morgan asked. “If we are able to do that in a research-based way, I think we’ll get better input from our teachers.”

The proposed Renaissance Academy and the $142.6 million asked from voters do not have her full support. Her concerns center around staffing levels and the possibility of fewer financial resources to meet other district needs.

“They’re concerned about how this will affect their kids’ school, especially our three traditional high schools we have here in Monongalia County,” Fattore Morgan said. “The bond is not just a big ask financially, but it’s a leap of faith as well.”

As a parent of two students in Monongalia County Schools, she wants better communication between parents, students, and the Board of Education. Regardless of status, Fattore Morgan said all students deserve to be supported and heard.

“I think we need to be concerned about setting children on a path to thinking they are problematic children and what we are creating,” Fattore Morgan said.

The deadline to register to vote in the May 14 primary election is April 23, 2024.