Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations start Sunday

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. –  Several events are planned to observe Martin Luther King Day across the region. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Banquet celebration begins Sunday night at the Martinsburg Holiday Inn at 4 p.m. During that event, 12 college students from Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan counties will be awarded $1,000 scholarships. Previous scholarship winners…

MUB shares hydrant details following PSC survey

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. The statewide fire hydrant survey has been completed by the Public Service Commission (PSC) and released some recommendations, including a 10-year, $70 million plan to replace aging hydrants. The survey began after multiple hydrants used during a Charleston house fire were unable to maintain the pressure needed to adequately fight the blaze. The…

Morgantown police investigating shots heard call

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Police in Morgantown are investigating a report of shots fire in the area of Cornell and Mansion Avenues from Tuesday night. Police said residents reported four to five gunshots around 11 p.m. At the scene, police identiufied two suspects and located the weapon. No injuries or damage was reported. Anyone with information…