MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Progress continues to be made on the installation of new traffic lights at the University Town Center in the Town of Granville.

Granville Mayor Patty Lewis offered updates during the Monongalia County Commission’s regular meeting Wednesday, where she reported that light pole infrastructure has been built for one of the two University Town Center intersections, with foundation work expected to be completed on the other intersection before the start of the spring. This will complete a project that has been several years in the making and has involved investments from the Town of Granville, the county, and a part of the private sector.

“All four pole foundations at the Walmart intersection have achieved the required depth,” said Lewis during her update to the commissioners. “The rebar and anchor bolts were installed, concrete was poured, and an independent concrete inspection is being conducted,” she said.

The over $1 million project includes the installation of lights at the University Town Center intersections between Walmart and the WVU Medicine facility and at the bottom of the hill between Granville Square and Sesame Drive. According to Lewis, the only portion of the new traffic light installation at the Walmart near the Kendrick Family Ballpark at the Monongalia County Baseball Complex that needed to be completed is the pedestrian safety improvements around the street crossings and the pole installation themselves. Those are expected to be completed before the end of winter to be used by the public shortly after work is finished.

“Blue and Gold Development, as a subcontractor, has started grading activities for the increased turning radius at the Walmart intersection for the pedestrian crossing at that site,” said Lewis on the remaining work taking place on one of the intersections.

Despite the progress that has been made on the installation, Lewis mentioned that the recent cold weather to start 2025 has delayed some of the foundation work for the traffic lights that will be installed on Sesame Drive. The intersection that provides access to Chick-fil-A, Wendy’s, Panda Express, and Granville Square, which has also seen a large influx of vehicle traffic causing accidents, is still on track to have traffic lights installed within the coming months. The remaining traffic poles acquired by the Town of Granville will remain in storage until the foundation is complete.

“Work on the pole foundation at Sesame Drive has begun, two poles have reached the required 11 feet depth, the third and a fourth were expected to be done yesterday and today, but the weather didn’t cooperate,” said Lewis.

Members of the Monongalia County Commission expressed enthusiasm on the status update on the University Town Center traffic light installation and the immediate benefits to the area when completed. Aside from the immediate drop in accidents expected in the area, Monongalia County Commissioner Tom Bloom told Lewis that at least one business is expected to set up shop at UTC as long as the lights are installed before the end of 2025. With positive momentum taking place around the Westridge Business Development, the hope is that the new traffic light installations at UTC will continue the upward trajectory.

“A company called, and they wanted to know about the lights, and they’re going to be thrilled to hear that (the firm 2025 completion date),” said Commissioner Tom Bloom. “They’re just hoping that as long as it was within the next six months to a year, they are planning to move out there, and I think that’s what a lot of people are waiting for,” he said.

The over $1 million traffic light installation is paid for as part of a three-way split between the Town of Granville, Westridge Business Development, and the Monongalia County Commission.


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