MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Morgantown City Council will consider an amendment to the city’s charter that would replace masculine pronouns with non-gendered language.
For example, current language in Section 3.04, Powers and duties of the city manager uses the pronoun “he,” saying, “He” shall appoint, and when “he” deems it necessary for the good of the service.” In that example “he” would be changed to “they” to reflect a gender-neutral position.
While the city and state code recognize a word expressing the masculine gender may be applied to females and males where applicable. However, the change is proposed to avoid any perception of exclusion.
Charter amendments can be adopted by city council as long as no written objection to the proposal is submitted by the public. If an objection is filed by the public the charter amendment could still be adopted if passed by a majority of voters.
In the April election voters will decide on a charter change relating to residency requirements for the city manager. Councilor proposed to eliminate the requirement for a city manager to live in the city as a condition of employment that was contested by one resident in writing. That decision will now go to the voters in April.