Catholic Charities West Virginia opens Grace Shelter at Hazel’s House of Hope

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — The new emergency triage shelter at Morgantown’s Hazel’s House of Hope is officially open. Catholic Charities West Virginia announced that the facility now known as the Grace Shelter is now fully operational and has reached near full capacity less than a month after being opened. Catholic Charities West Virginia President and CEO…

Mon County 4-H reports increase in programming, youth impact as part of end of fiscal year report

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. –– The Monongalia County 4-H programs continue to report growth in the amount of youth participation for their yearly activities. As part of an overview presented to local officials, West Virginia University Extension agent and 4-H Program Director Becca Flint-Clark reported that the summer camps hosted at Camp Muffly and their numerous seasonal…

WVU’s OEDC secures ARC POWER Initiative grant to support outdoor recreation economy

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — An outdoor economic collaborative established by West Virginia University will receive a major financial contribution aimed at increasing Mountain State development of outdoor recreation. The WVU Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative (OEDC) is set to receive approximately $1.76 million in grant funding, which will consist of a just over…

County firefighters, Mon County commissioners debate state funding

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Members of the Monongalia County Commission and the county Volunteer Firefighter’s Association call a disagreement over the distribution of state funds a misunderstanding. The county recently distributed funds received through the state All-County Fire Protection Fund based on population and the County Fire Protection Fund that is distributed to counties with a…