Assazandi responds to Brazaitis calling for a ‘party purge’

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Representatives from the Monongalia County Democratic Committee made clarifications to comments made by Morgantown Deputy Mayor Mark Brazaitis.

“No single Democrat defines what it means to be a Democrat,” said Monongalia County Democratic Committee Vice President Shane Assazandi. “I think that’s a very simple, very broad message but it applies here.”

The Committee decided to speak out in response to comments made by the Deputy Mayor both in public and on social media. Among them, included a call to ‘purge’ the Mononogalia County Democratic Party of what he called ‘fake democrats.’

Brazaitis used this same terminology in announcing his official bid as a write-in candidate for November’s U.S. Senate race, claiming Joe Manchin was one of two “or even three” Republicans in the race (the third likely a reference to Don Blankenship, attempting to run with the Constitution Party).

Among those Brazaitis included as those who should be replaced were Monongalia County Commission President Tom Bloom and Monongalia County Delegate John Williams. He’s also been critical of the Democratic Party’s leadership statewide, in particular U.S. Senator Joe Manchin.

“Deputy Mayor Mark Brazaitis is neither an officer nor a member of the local party committee,” Assazandi. “So he is not authorized to speak on our behalf the way that some individuals, myself included, are.”

The recent comments made by the Deputy Mayor have been in response to his attempts to acquire funding for an $8.5 million ice rink for the Morgantown Ice Arena. Claiming he was representing the Mason-Dixon Figure Skating Club, Brazaitis requested that the Monongalia County Commission place an $8.5 million levy on an upcoming ballot during a public portion of a Mon County Commission meeting.

After Commission stated that they will consider it and discuss it at a later date, Brazaitis became confrontational with Commission President Tom Bloom. In statements made on WAJR’s Morgantown AM and The Dominion Post, Brazaitis accused Bloom of being a fake Democrat, which according to Assazandi may conflict with his position in City Council.

“I’m just a little confused because here’s the thing, city council is a non-partisan office, nobody is elected as a Democrat, nobody is elected as a Republican,” he said. “Party affiliation is not on the ballot. In my view, the scope of the City Council office and municipal affairs in general, they generally don’t follow along with party lines. It’s not really in the description.”

Despite his representation of the Mason-Dixon Figure Skating Club and BOPARC, Brazatis never receieved formal approval from either City Council or by BOPARC to request County Commission to consider the levy he discussed. Brazaitis’ comments have also not resonated well with his peers within City Council and the Morgantown Board of Parks and Recreation. Morgantown City Council member and BOPARC board member Jenny Selin has made statements to the Dominion Post and on social media distancing herself and fellow peers from Brazaitis.

Despite the comments made by the Deputy Mayor of Morgantown, Assazandi stated that the Monongalia County Democratic Party and Committee is welcome to anyone who has the belief of a better Monongalia County, regardless on where they stand ideologically.

“Disagreement is fine, common ground and working together matters a little more,” he said. “And I think it’s dangerous to say that anyone should be purged without just cause.”

Morgantown Mayor Bill Kawecki did not comment to how Brazaitis has approached local officials or whether council would or could take action against Brazaitis.