Citing financial concerns the Atomic Grill closes

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Due to financial concerns the Atomic Grill on Greenbag Road in Morgantown has closed.

The owner and local attorney Scott Radman told WAJR News that for the last two to three years he has been supplementing the operation with $5,000 each month of his own money. Radman says there were very loyal customers- just not enough of them. He believes the location attributed to that.

Radman said, “The one problem we had, it was not the best location for a restaurant, it was a little out of the way.”

The restaurant featured ingredients that were raised using sustainable practices and observed animal welfare rules.

Radman continued, “We had high food costs because of the high food quality and you can only pass so much on to the consumer.”

Radman expressed great appreciation for his staff and is disappointed the jobs have been lost.