Council and petitioner at odds over FOIA requests

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — The petitioners who want 4 Morgantown city council members removed from office are still gathering evidence for a fast approaching hearing.

George Papandreas, who requested a 3 judge panel to hear accusations of charter violations and misconduct, has requested a number of emails via the Freedom of Information Act.

At council’s most recent meeting, Papandreas requested an email thread including his requests to Jeff Mikorski, Morgantown City Manager, be read for the public record.

The messages, shared with local media, council members, the city attorney and others, include dialogue between Papandreas and Mikorski dated from January 14 through February 3.

At the crux of the back-and-forth is the time that has lapsed between the request for “emails made or written communication directed to councilpersons Ganz, Shamberger, Selin, Kawecki, Nugent, Bane and Redmond” and receiving anything.

A majority of council decided the correspondence did not need to be read before council or included in the meeting minutes to be part of the official record.

The next hearing regarding the request for removal of councilors Nancy Ganz, Marti Shamberger, Jenny Selin and Bill Kawecki is February 19.

According to Papandreas, the information hasn’t been received.

City leaders, including the city attorney Ryan Simonton, have said there is no intent to keep the information from Papandreas and collecting the volume of information requested has been a time consuming, tedious process.