MHS Athletic Director Erenrich Retiring

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — As the 2016 school years draw to a close, it also brings the end of an era in Morgantown High School Athletics. MHS Athletics Director Dan Erenrich is retiring. He has spent the last 14 years heading up the Mohigans athletic department.

“If you care about the kids and you care about the coaches and want them to know you care, you’re out at the tennis matches or any of the other sports,” said Erenrich.

Erenrich insists he could keep working for several more years, but says the time commitment to being athletic director can keeps him away from doing other things that he would like to pursue. While Erenrich won’t miss being the first to arrive for a sporting event and the last to leave, there are aspects of the job that are tough to walk away from.

“I’m going to miss the kids and the athletes. They come in as freshman and as they develop into young men and young women, believe it or not it is hard to watch these people move on because they become a part of your life.”

Erenrich has been spending his last few days with his feet kicked up on his desk. Erenrich has been helping transition to new A.D. Nathan Haynes trying to show him a few tricks of the trade along the way.