Monongalia County delegate responds to mention of a run for Secretary of State

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Monongalia County Delegate Amanda Pasdon said a run for West Virginia Secretary of State is “something to consider.”

However, the idea doesn’t seem to be on her immediate priority list.

Amanda Pasdon (R - Monongalia, 51)
Amanda Pasdon (R – Monongalia, 51)

“It would be a huge undertaking. It would be an honor to serve in that capacity,” she told WAJR – AM.

The chairwoman of the House Education Committee is getting nods from her national party.

She was recently listed as a Republican Rising Star on the website, a site for the Republican National Committee.

“I truly feel like my service now in the House and to the people of Monongalia County is my priority at least at the moment. The Secretary of State would be another opportunity to serve on a greater level but something I would not undertake without a lot of thoughtful consideration,” Pasdon said.

Pasdon serves in the state legislature on a number of committees including those on banking and insurance, health, house rules and small business and economic development.

“I consider public service an honor in being able to serve the people of West Virginia and certainly the people of Monongalia County in the way that I do in my House seat and through the chair of education,” Pasdon said.

While state party leaders have discussed Pasdon as the republican candidate for Secretary of State, Pasdon simply said she’s honored by the mention.

“Certainly the r

epublican party leadership has mentioned it to me. We’ve discussed it briefly. It’s humbling I’m on their short list of candidates they would consider.”