Monongalia deputies prepped for Memorial Weekend

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Memorial Day travelers are expected to spend part of the 3-day weekend at least 50 miles from home. Monongalia County Sheriff’s Office deputies will be joining motorists on the road.

“People like to celebrate. We like to celebrate with them and want them to have a good time, but we want everyone to be safe,” said Sheriff Al Kisner.

West Virginia State Police reported three fatal accidents during last year’s holiday weekend. Local and state police will be looking for any signs of reckless drivers.

“We’re going to have extra patrols out like we do on every big holiday. We’ll have DUI patrols out. We’ll be doing distracted driving enforcement,” Kisner explained.

An article by listed Memorial Day as the most dangerous day for driving. It read, “Booze is a big factor; 44 percent of all traffic fatalities that occur over Memorial Day are alcohol-related.”

“We understand that when people start drinking and stuff some of their inhibitions go away, and that’s not a good thing. That’s when people get hurt,” added Kisner.

Kisner urges alternate travel plans if alcohol is on the holiday weekend menu.

“Take the precautions that you should take. Have a designated driver. Call a taxi. Do something. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you might hurt yourself or somebody else,” he said.