Most travelers will hit the road Friday for holiday trips

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — The holiday travel season begins two days before Christmas.  This year, AAA East Central spokesperson Herman Jenkins said projections show it could be more hectic on the highways this year over last year.  More than 103 million people will travel nationwide.

“That is a 1.5% increase.  So, 1.5 million more will travel this year versus last year,” Jenkins shared.

According to AAA statistics, Christmas and New Year’s travel is double that of Thanksgiving travel.

The majority of travelers, 90%, will make their way by automobile.

“We’re still experiencing the lowest gas prices since 2009.  And, this year we have an increase in consumer spending.  So, that combination is the two major factors in the increase in travel,” noted Jenkins.

Increased numbers of travelers are expected despite the fact that Christmas falling on a weekend means many drivers are losing a travel day.

“December 23 falls on a Friday this year versus Wednesday last year, which we had an extra day to travel. So, we’re going to beat that travel even with one less day to travel.”

AAA’s South Atlantic Region, which includes West Virginia, is expected to see 19.42 million people traveling.  More than 17 million will travel by car.  A million will fly to their destinations.

For the drivers, Jenkins warned AAA will rescue 980,000 motorists this holiday travel season because of avoidable issues.

“Cold weather.  You want to have your battery checked.  Your tires.  They deflate more in cold weather than they do in warm weather.  If you’re traveling with a spouse, have the spouse carry an extra key.”