United Way surpasses 2018 campaign goal in nick of time

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — The United Way of Monongalia and Preston Counties surpassed their 2018 campaign goal by just over $2,000, the organization announced during their annual celebration Wednesday.

“It’s been a tough year,” campaign chair Ladotta Taylor said. “A lot of things have gone on, but our communities stepped up. From board members to companies to individuals that we may have never heard from before, the community really stepped up and helped us meet that goal.”

Officially, the UWMPC raised $2,125.90 more than their goal of $1.525 million.

“We will have a lot of dollars to give out to agencies,” Taylor said. “There are 29 agencies that range from The Bartlett House, The Shack, Food for Preston. The list goes on and on.”

Taylor said those 29 agencies in the two county area serve a diverse set of communities — children, families, the elderly, the sick, and more.

“I chose to visit all the agencies starting last January,” she said. “And this has been a very meaningful year for me. I’ve learned a lot, and I’ve just had this renewed home for our communities because I see how passionate the agencies are, what good work they do, and then on the flip side I see how many people are willing to give and help. So, it’s been a very inspirational and rewarding year.”

Taylor said that experience also opened her eyes to how many needs would go unmet in these communities without the agencies or The United Way, but she said she will not return to chair the 2019 campaign, which kicks off in August.

“I think that I now understand the needs better,” she said. “And I understand what we do to provide and support those that are in need. I also understand that, when this community is in need, we live in a great place and people step up and help out when we ask them.”

She did say she’d be happy to provide some help — including making an early pitch to potential future donors.

“We live in a great place, and we are very, very fortunate,” Taylor. “No matter where we live, there are always needs. I think, when we’re blessed the way that we are, we should all step up and try to help those who need us the most.”

The process of dispersing funds will now go through a vetting and application process with the 29 non-profit agencies.