Veteran’s Day Parade returns to Clarksburg this year

CLARKSBURG, W.Va. – The Clarksburg Veteran’s Day Parade will be held November 11 in downtown. On WAJR’s “Talk of the Town,” VFW parade director assistant, Richard Laquinta says the program begins with a distinguished combat vet as their guest speaker on Jackson Square at 11 a.m.

“LTC Trenton Pauley, a Vietnam veteran, he flew over 50 combat missions over Hanoi, Laquinta said.

Now, 20 groups are signed on to participate and Laquinta said more can be added by calling 304-622-3591.

“We have quite a few groups lined up,” Laquinta said. “Everything from Boy Scouts to marching bands and ROTC groups from Robert C. Bryd High School.”

For the first time since the pandemic the parade will step off at noon.

“It will start at the Clarksburg Fire Department and it goes all the down past the courthouse to Second Street, then over and back down to the Post Office,” Laquinta said.

A ham lunch will be served for parade participants at the Clarksburg VFW following the parade.