Neighbors remember murdered man

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — “If there’s one thing you could say about Tim … he was the best,” Richard Phillips, neighbor and friend said Thursday.

Phillips was referring to Timothy Pahl, 67, of Morgantown, who was found dead in his Old Stewartstown Road home Tuesday.

His death is being investigated by the Monongalia County Sheriff’s Department, and four persons of interest are being held on other charges in Pennsylvania, north of Philadelphia.

“He loved his church and his church loved him,” said Corey Farris, former senior warden of St. Thomas à Becket Episcopal Church, where Pahl was a member.

Farris said Pahl was a devoted family man to his son, Andrew, and his late wife, Ann.

Farris was part of a group that celebrated Pahl’s birthday with him just a few weeks ago.

He said Pahl was a church leader and active in many aspects of the church.

“As recently as a couple of weeks ago, he was involved working with church youth to build a path to a worship area behind the church,” Farris said. “This is a big loss to our church.”

Neighbors felt that loss in the community.

“He’d do anything for you,” Phillips said, repeating a comment made by another neighbor, Barbara Wymer.

She said Pahl used his tractor to clear her driveway after snowstorms and would refuse payment. Wymer said she would leave nuts in his mailbox to repay his kindness.
“He loved nuts,” she said.

Phillips said he’d give Pahl checks to repay him, but Pahl always donated that money to his church.

Pahl and Phillips first met when Pahl rented a home from him, Phillips said. Wymer said she babysat Pahl’s son from the time he was a baby until he was in junior high and could take care of himself after school.

Both said his wife died about three years ago, but he is survived by his son.

WVU spokesperson John Bolt said Pahl graduated from WVU in 1973 with a bachelor’s degree in forestry. Pahl worked for the Division of Forestry/Unit of the Appalachian Hardwood Center at WVU and left in 2005. He returned to WVU and worked part-time on specific projects until January 2013, Bolt said.

Phillips and Wymer both talked about how Pahl kept himself busy tending cattle. Wymer said he’d wave to her every day when he went to feed them.

In fact, Wymer said she saw him Sunday afternoon when he was going to do just that.

“I hope they catch the bastards,” Phillips said.

This story, written by William Dean, first appeared in The Dominion Post’s Friday, April 27th edition.